Lunch & Learn - Fight climate change with Amazon Web Services (AWS) – this is AWS toolbox in climate transition

Publicerad 15 januari, 2024

Välkommen till branschföreningen Digitaliseringskonsulternas Lunch & Learn seminarium på temat Fight climate change with Amazon Web Services (AWS) – this is AWS toolbox in climate transition


The digital systems we develop, deploy and manage for our clients can enable large reductions of carbon emissions in society. Many of these systems are dependent on cloud services. We invite you to gain insights into the tools and resources that the major cloud service providers bring to the table in order for us consultancy firms to help our clients in the climate transition.

This Friday you are welcome to listen to Alvaro Idoate, Sustainability Innovation & Transformation Lead for Northern Europe at Amazon Web Services (AWS), when he showcases their toolbox offerings.


As part of The Climate Pledge, Amazon — including AWS — is committed to reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2040 (10 years ahead of the Paris Agreement). Amazon and Global Optimism co-founded The Climate Pledge to encourage companies and organizations to work together to address the climate crisis and solve the challenges of decarbonizing our economy. Over 400 companies have joined so far.

Innovation is key to achieving sustainability goals. AWS enables customers and partners to build sustainability solutions ranging from carbon tracking to waste reduction, using AWS services to ingest, analyze, and manage sustainability data.

This session covers:

  • Amazon and AWS sustainability Journey
  • How AWS is helping customers with their sustainability transformation
    • Sustainability of the cloud – carbon reduction from migrating
    • Sustainability in the cloud – optimizing in the cloud
    • Sustainability through the cloud – using technology to drive sustainability across the business


Datum: Fred, 26:e Januari 2024

Tid: 11:45 – 12:45 CEST

Plats: Digitalt via Microsoft Teams.

Kostnad: Gratis för medlemmar och deras intressenter

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Efter föreläsningen kommer det även att finnas tid att prata om det ni vill utöver temat. Digitaliseringskonsulterna förenar konsultbolag som vill hjälpa samhället att se och använda digitaliseringens möjligheter i klimatomställningen. Om fredagarna arrangerar vi lärorika lunchseminarier om klimat och digitalisering för och med våra medlemmar och deras intressenter.

Allt sker över Microsoft Teams och i en avslappnad dialogform där vi får utrymme att ställa frågor och utbyta erfarenheter.



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